Tag Archives: entertainment

Band Basics: How to get booked, level 1.

11 Oct
I deal with a ton of messages and emails from artists or agents looking to get booked at places. Most of them suck balls, and not in a fun way. (Coz that might be more useful than the application they sent)
**Skip to the bottom if you’re too lazy to read all the points**
Now, I’m not saying every artist should be a marketing genius, or that every agent/manager should be amazing at what they do. But common sense is worth more than a degree in entertainment management or whatever qualification it is that people waste their money on.
If you want to be considered for an event/venue, try the following few basics. Logically, there’s a bit more to doing things properly, but if you just start with these points, you’re better than 80% of your peers/competitors:
1. Write a coherent message. Seriously, just freaking read what you wrote afterwards. Imagine this is a job application. Or the first time you’re meeting your lover’s parentals.
stupidpeople2. Keep it short and sweet. I have not met a single venue owner/booking manager who have ever read an entire band’s bio in an initial mail. Nobody gives a shit where the drummer’s grandma was born or that the pianist started playing on a plastic banjo at the age of 2. That’s the type of shit fans MIGHT read once they already like the band/artist.
3. Info that’s needed: Who you are/who you represent. Short summary of artist bio “Kosie is a country singer from Vereeniging, who plays a lot of sokkie covers and some catchy originals. He can either perform solo with his ukelele and backtracks, or with his 3 piece band called Kosie’s Koeksisters.” Then briefly mention if you are open to playing door deals, or if your intent is to charge a fixed fee for your performance. I realise that not everybody feels comfortable doing this. But it makes my life much easier when I know what you want. Don’t feel obliged to give a set fee yet, as you don’t want to lose a potential booking because you got greedy in your mail. Also, just the fact that you have to apply for a spot, means that you are probably not worth that amount yet.
3b. You might mention a few notable venues/events that are relevant to the one you’re contacting. And for the love of fuck, your artist didn’t “share a stage with Francois van Coke” if he played at 10:00 and Fokof headlined at 23:00.
3c. CONTACT INFO. Cell and email. Basics, but often forgotten.
4. Links, not attachments. Links to Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Only attachment should be a photo worked into the message.
5. Do your research. It’s all good that you’re trying to get your music(ian) into as many places as possible, but at least open the event or venue’s page before you message them. II just received yet another request this morning for an Afrikaans sokkie-poppie to play at a rock venue. Seriously?
5b. Research will help you to sound more intelligent. If there’s a detailed mention in the event description informing you who to mail for artist applications, and you send a message (or worse, post on the FB event) asking that very question, I will laugh at you (and hate you at the same time). Again, it’s not only me. Ask anyone that has to deal with that level of lazy stupidity from 40 bands per day for a week after an event is announced.
5c. When should you approach a festival? Generally when they announce that artist submissions are open. Not a freaking week before the event, or if it’s annual, give at least a month after the event before bugging organisers about the next one.
Bonus point: Build relationship with the relevant people. This point, much like the others, actually deserves a post of its own. But for now, just realise that networking is important, and you’re more likely to get booked if you have had a beer/tequila/conversation with the decision maker in question.
Again, there’s a bit more to the game than just the mentioned points, but you gotta start somewhere, right?
Just remember this
  • Common sense.
  • Keep it short, info relevant and links to what’s more.
  • Do your research.
  • Network.
If you think this post might help bands be better, please share it.
Also, please do give feedback/input if you have any. There’s a lot more that can be added to what I said, so feel free to do it.

Why I REALLY look forward to Otterlake Easter Festival

28 Mar

Otterlake Profile PicThere are many reasons to look forward to a music festival.

The generic “music, vibes, party and… everything!” just doesn’t cut it for me though.

So herewith, the 10 reasons why I REALLY look forward to Otterlake Easter Festival:

  • It is not even NEAR an office
    Do not underestimate the importance of this point. You COULD be stuck doing the same thing you do everyday, but you’re not. You’re at Otterlake!
  • It IS near home
    It’s in the middle of nowhere, but it is literally like, right there. 30km out of Pretoria, so driving there is not a mission. Get in the car, and before you can say STOP POACHING OUR FREAKING RHINO’S, you’re there.
  • White rhinocerosSpeaking of Rhinos…
    The entire fest is a massive fundraising mission to help stop rhino poaching. Can you say it’s a good cause? I certainly can…
  • It’s not the usual bands
    Look, as much as I love the rock scene in Pretoria, it can get a bit monotonous. Same bands, same venues. The Otterlake line-up is something to drool over. From Francois Van Coke doing his solo thing, to the likes of Hoot ‘n Anny and Akkedis.
  • It’s small, but not awkward small
    Look, I love Oppikoppi as much as any insane rock fan (probably more), but there is something to say for the smaller festivals. Otterlake is a prime example of how much fun you can have enjoying bands with a crowd of under 1000 people. I would like the fest togrow… but not TOO much 😉
  • Meet The Germans
    Otterlake (the venue, not the fest) is owned by a bunch of Germans. If you manage to befriend them over a Jager or 3, they are insanely entertaining. Beards and beer, winning combo.
  • It’s camping, not hiking
    To get from the camp site to the stage, is not a 4 day hike. It’s right there. Boom!
  • Otterlake BonfireIt’s on fire. Literally.
    The most amazing bonfire you will ever see at any festival. After a day of intense music, it’s nice to go and chill next to the MASSIVE flames… before heading back to rock out even more.
  • I am there
    I know this might sound vain, and it probably is, but hey, so sue me. I am MC’ing the Friday, and DJ’ing the same night. I saw on the line-up that on the Saturday, I will be engaged in a DJ-vs-DJ party with DJ Dirtroad. now THAT is going to awesome! Do come have a Cuervo with me 😉
  • The people. Really.
    You get to meet the most amazing random people. Friends for life, or just a friendly fling. They’re there, don’t miss it.

If all this sounds too good to be true… Don’t worry, it’s not.
For more details, check it out:

Otter easter banner

Deep Fried Man interview – Comedians, Music, Famous Sex and Floss

23 Sep

I had the privilege of chatting to South African musical comedian, Deep Fried Man after his performance at the Old Mutual Theatre in the Square in Sandton. His latest solo show, White Whine is awesome, and you will thank me for making you go watch it.

And yes, the interview below was recorded on my Blackberry. If you want to give me a proper flash mic, you are more than welcome to do so.

But enough typing, here’s the interview. Enjoy, and let me know what you think.

Here’s some links for you to click on and go crazy:

Have you seen Deep fried Man’s performance yet? What did you think?