So, the DA made a poster…

25 Jan

The last few days the country has been in uproar over the DA Youth League’s latest marketing stunt. It has even outshone the sun’s hyperactive activity. Don’t pardon the lame pun.

Now, here’s my 20 cents (inflation added). Feel free to let me know whether or not you agree with me.

From a marketing perspective, I think it was a risky move, but most memorable campaigns are. It has created a buzz, prompted conversation regarding not only the campaign but also the product, and most importantly it engaged a wider audience than it’s standard crowd. It has made a bold statement, and the youth league’s target market generally appreciates bold statements.

Such a campaign will never be without criticism. The majority being that it’s immoral, overtly sexual and sends out conflicting messages to the youth. To this I just have to say: Wake up, welcome to the year 2012. There are more risqué ads that promote tampons, chocolates and cameras. It does not in any way promote sexual promiscuity (who said these two aren’t married (The CDP complained about this)). The only message this one conflicts with, is the message of hate and separation that white and black adults who are still stuck in the stone-age preach to their kids.

Regarding the statement it made, I personally respect it and think it’s about time that someone said it. Wouldn’t this world be a better place to live in if people stopped finding fault in others’ lives simply because they are too scared to face their own demons? Wouldn’t this planet be more enjoyable if society didn’t exclude, but include? If race, culture, sex and religion were not used as weapons? You are allowed to have your own opinion, but that’s just it: YOUR opinion. If you don’t like interracial relationships, THEN DON’T BE IN ONE. Easy, neh?

People tend to take themselves way to seriously. Sure, it’s not only the gay community that are allowed to have pride. Every individual should be proud of who they are, their heritage and beliefs. Yet, as the watered down mantra goes, Unity In Diversity.

We ARE one nation, isn’t it about time we start acting like it?

Ok, enough of that… On a (slightly) lighter side, the poster inspired me create a few of my own:

26 Responses to “So, the DA made a poster…”

  1. Henno Kruger 25 January 2012 at 13:02 #

    Interesting views Baas. Each to his own is what I say. Don’t judge people and don’t overact, that’s the motto I live by

    • BaasDeBeer 25 January 2012 at 13:07 #

      Exactly. When people overreact, especially based on some ridiculous biassed point of view, it creates division.

  2. ruanhaha 25 January 2012 at 13:07 #

    I agree, brilliant marketing stunt, shocking people and getting all the attention.

    On the racial thing, I think the DA just made a statement that a pop legend also made ” It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white” (insert Michael Jackson move here)

    Well said!

    • BaasDeBeer 25 January 2012 at 13:09 #

      Would love to see that move Ruan…
      Methinks the biggest thing haters of this campaign do wrong, is to see this as a motivation for interracial relationships. It is, however, an extreme and very visual example of broken down barriers.

      • ruanhaha 25 January 2012 at 13:12 #

        Valid point.

        They are just saying what everyone is thinking, but are too afraid to say it. But hey, peoples opinions differ, so let them make of this campaign what they want.

    • Elmarie May (@ElmarieMay) 25 January 2012 at 19:38 #

      Stem 100% saam met jou! Dink dis ‘n baie goeie bemarkingsveldtog!

  3. José Potgieter (@JoTuimeldroeer) 25 January 2012 at 13:10 #

    Agreed. I wanted to point out the parts I liked most, but realised everything was pretty much awesome.

  4. Phillip Bruwer 25 January 2012 at 13:31 #

    Jy slaan die hammer op die spreekwoordelike kop! Amen

    • BaasDeBeer 25 January 2012 at 19:34 #

      Dis vir my so goed dat jy in ‘n posisie van invloed is en ook openminded en vooruitdenkend is Phillip. Use it well 🙂

  5. fran 25 January 2012 at 13:32 #

    Well written Christo! Go DA Youth league!

  6. sharon-cathryn 25 January 2012 at 16:23 #

    ek persoonlik dink die advert het die teiken getref. maar die timing soos ek se was heeltemal verkeerd. gesien in die lig van die Malema-debat en die hangende uitsprake, die plaasmoorde – is die meerderheid ouer mense heeltemal anti-DA. In Kroonstad hoor ek al hoe meer ouer mense praat van oorgaan na verregse partye. Met die advertensie het dit net n hupstoot gegee in daardie rigting. Omdat ek met baie boere werk, kan ek agterkom uit hulle gesprekke hoe hulle oor die soort van ding voel. En ja. so iets is die minste wat hulle nou wil sien. Ekself is n plaaskind. my speelmaatjie was Pulema en ons was soos in bloedsusters, maar het van ons vee weggeraak, was daai bloed dun.

    • BaasDeBeer 25 January 2012 at 19:40 #

      Ek hoor wat jy se, maar sukkel om die konneksie te maak tussen die malema crap en mense wat wegbeweeg van die DA af…
      In my opinie hanteer hul actually die situasies soos ‘n behoorlike non-rasgebonde party moet.
      Dis tyd dat mense moet ophou wegkruip agter hul velkleur. En dit te lvir vrees of agressie.

      En oor die timing… If not now, then when? Daar sal altyd crap wees wat as verskoning gebruik kan word om weg te kruip.

  7. Sarah K 26 January 2012 at 00:41 #

    Ek hou van jou posters! The poster is obviously controversial, but if it wasn’t, would anyone have noticed? I agree that the message behind it is a good one – and is something worth talking about in South Africa still.

    • BaasDeBeer 26 January 2012 at 01:16 #

      Dankie! As ek meer tyd gehad het het ek sommer nog ‘n paar gemaak… Hehe, paar lekker idees nog gehad.

      Here’s the theory: You will not easily notice a cream coloured house on a street full of white houses. But paint that house red…
      You get where I’m going 🙂

  8. PointBlank 26 January 2012 at 19:58 #

    The CDP hate it, Cosatu condemn it as white supremacy (so if it was a black man would it be black supremacy?).

    If anything what this poster has done is expose the suppressed racial intolerance many in this country harbour and have kept buried under false smile.. Now we can actually get down and talk about racial issues we all still battle with.

    Brilliant concept, a risky execution but a job well done!

    • BaasDeBeer 31 January 2012 at 16:29 #

      Indeed. I can very well imagine how this could’ve been taken up the wrong way if people want to… But hey, offence is taken, not given…

  9. Reagen Allen 27 January 2012 at 14:55 #

    Positive. Well analyzed. We have achieved our intended goal. Best wishes to you sir.

    • BaasDeBeer 31 January 2012 at 16:26 #

      Thanx Reagen…
      Keep up the good work!


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